What is an "online presence," and how can it affect your business?

Brand recognition and how easily customers can interact with your business online are all factors that contribute to your online presence. Simple things that we take advantage of every day — like looking up the address of your business or reading previous customer reviews — could be a potentially frustrating experience to some users if your site isn't mobile-friendly or if your business doesn't have a site at all. Having a strong website is a crucial first step towards maintaining your existing customer network as well as attracting new clientele. When you're ready, I'm here to help.

Monica Vinluan

About Me

I received my B.S. and M.S. degrees for Computer Engineering in the heart of the Silicon Valley at Santa Clara University. I currently work day-to-day for a healthcare system supporting their internal company portal. In my free time, I enjoy challenging myself to daily coding challenges, developing web full-stack web applications, and contributing to my new tech blog.


Below you will find a few projects from my most recent clients as well as helpful lessons related to programming. Feel free to browse these projects to see if something sparks your interest prior to our consultation.

Lesson: Understanding Model View Controller

gif of Wedding Planner App usage

Wedding Planner App

email address: wedding-demo@demo.com pwd: weddingappdemo